What is your favourite movie?

^i was thinking the same thing!

edward norton on american history x. GREAT STUFF! NOT WELCOME!

I don’t think so. Maybe. No. I could ask Chad. No, too lazy.

^ get moving you bum. you might have been a good wartime prime minister beating the forum trolls a la Churchill but now the peace and the people demand infrastructure development. Mr. Gorbachev, MERGE UP THESE THREADS.


^And much like Churchill, I now spend my time drunk and demanding people paint portraits of me.

Speaking of Churchill, is Darkest Hour as good as people say it is?

Al Pacino Latest Actor to Join Quentin Tarantino Manson Film

4 Rooms with genius Tim Roth.

Terminator 2

Chuck Norris “Missing in Action 2” was better.

While favorite movies are a matter of personal taste, no one can argue with Chuck Norris. In fact, if someone is even thinking about arguing with him, they receive a knock on their door. When they open it, it’s Chuck Norris to deliver a punch in their teeth.

Yep. Chuck is popular everywhere. Shwartzi, too.

Image result for chuck norris gif

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Maybe this should be posted to PA’s thread

Chuck heard about the new NK diplomacy…suffice to say, he didn’t approve.