Is my understanding correct that these number ranges are post-adjustment by examiners? I.e. one who scores 5 topics >70% does not necessarily mean he literally scored more than 4/7 for the 5 topics, but rather due to bell curve moderation?
I feel like its:
AM: 0/3/7
PM: 0/7/3
ie: no clue.
AM: 3 / 4 / 3 PM: 1 / 5 / 4
AM: 3/3/4
dont freaking start selling the bear skin until you manage to catch the bear…
he is selling the call options before he managed to catch the bear (aka naked short)
Hmm…anyone knows the answer to the question below…?
“Is my understanding correct that these number ranges are post-adjustment by examiners? i.e. one who scores 5 topics >70% does not necessarily mean he literally scored more than 4/7 for the 5 topics, but rather due to bell curve moderation?”
The OPs question is straight forward. Essentially asking when you look at your results matrices, where will the asterisks fall?
Yes I guess I asked in the wrong thread…
from my experience doing 1000s of PM type questions between level 2/3… even on item sets that I had seen 2-3 times I rarely got 6/6 or less than 3/3… from what I remember I likely averaged 4/6… while ethics was very tricky IMO
Good point… I can say with 95 per cent confidence that all my scores were between 3 and 6 on the afternoon and my mocks support that. Of course, I only did four pm mocks…
AM PM 55% 82% 180 180 99 147 PASS 68%
how to do come up with these estimates after so many days post exam? is solution posted yet?
2016 : Band 8 Fail (Could only prepare for around 10 days with no mocks)
AM :143/17/20
PM : 0/2/8
2017 : 3 months and Over 250 hrs + 4 mocks (2 timed and 2 not timed)
AM : 60+/-5
PM: 0/3/7
Should score around 67-73.
In terms of relative difficulty think this year PM was a bit difficult than 2016 and AM was marginally easier than 2016
Are you saying you studied only 10 days and got band 8?
My feeling - FAIL BAND 9.
Your 2016 performance is really impressive… only 10 days of preparation…
This is what we have so far…HURRY if you need to take a pick… DRAW IS NEXT TUESDAY…
paqui AM:3/5/2 PM:1/6/2
accountingnerd AM:3 / 4 / 3 PM:1 / 3 / 6
onlysimon AM 1/6/3 PM 2/4/4
Moh4 AM 2/3/5 PM 2/4/4
googs1484 AM 1/4/5 PM 1/2/7
snowcat AM 2/2/6 PM 0/2/8
philconx AM 3/4/3 PM 3/3/4
RLKW34 AM 3/3/4 PM 1/2/7
govt_cheese AM 2/4/4 PM 1/5/4
FlashForward AM - slightly worse than 1/2/7(My L1 and L2 score) PM - better than 1/2/7.
mburger AM: 1/4/5 PM: 1/3/6
Flashback AM Expect 2-3 of <=50, 2 of >70, and rest in the mid interval. PM Expect 1 of <=50, 3 of >70, rest in the mid interval.
Infidel Cash Flo AM: 0/3/7 PM: 0/7/3
student_99 AM: 3 / 4 / 3 PM: 1 / 5 / 4
Angerfist AM: 3/3/4 PM:2/3/5 Pass
Mikewinner AM PM 55% 82% 180 180 99 147 PASS 68%
Hedgee AM : 60+/-5 PM: 0/3/7 Should score around 67-73.
Who told that a 68% would be enough? I so wish it is btw