I will be a L2 retaker this year. In my first attempt at L2, I went through over half of the CFA EOC Q’s, but mostly relied on Schweser Qbank. In my opinion, the Qbank was too easy and had very little itemset type questions. I like to do alot of Q’s when I study and was wondering what else I could use as a substitute for CFA EOC Q’s and mocks. I am mostly interested in itemset/vignette-type (comprehensive and difficult) questions - anyone have any suggestions as to what else I could use? Thanks for your help!
Honestly, I would suggest doing EOC questions over and over… I did it 3 times, and looking back I don’t think that was enough. I was lucky enough to pass… But focus on EOC questions and also mocks…
I agree that L2 Qbank is not that useful (good if you don’t feel like reading) - I also wanted to get extra practice with the vignette question type. I ended up doing almost all the schweser and CFAI mocks twice. Surprisingly, you don’t remember that much, and if you compare your scores you can see whether or not you learned from your mistakes.
That said, I agree with the above that EOC questions more than once will really help. Although many of them are short answer, they challenge your understanding much more than a multiple choice Q