What will be the MPS this year?

what will be your tax rate on your 2 and 20% fee in Paris…Francois Hollande ne vous veut pas du bien…

I feel like I’m becoming a morbid person liking the stories of the failures of others. It’s like the worst other people do, the better and more reassured I feel that I passed.

Maybe there’s some bias on this forum but I am a retaker who has actively used the forums for the last three years with nothing to show for it so far except a coupld of Band 9 Fail sheets. I feel like I did better this year so I’m expecting a Band 10 fail this time as it seems the CFAI may like to drive the knife into my ribs a little deeper.

I don’t know why everyone is so confident. The exam definitely seemed easier than the CFA mock but the margin for error is really small. If one gets 80/120 or 66% they might get through, but at 76/120 you could easily fail. That is only 4 questions. I thought the exam was easier than I expected, but I could see myself either passing or getting a very low band.

There were definitely some questions in there to make sure people couldn’t get 6/6 in any section unless they were really really prepared.



Is there any chance MPS is 50%???

Yeah … Why not … that is if they decide to do a LIFO liquidation this year wink

What do you guys think the impact of this newspiece would be on the MPS/pass-rate across levels this year

CFA June Test Takers Fall First Time Since 2005

Enrollment for the Chartered Financial Analyst exam in June fell for the first time in eight years as Wall Street employment tumbles.

The number of candidates registered to take the June CFA exam, administered worldwide today, dropped 2.2 percent to 146,605 from a year earlier, Charlottesville, Virginia-based CFA Institute said in a May 29 statement. The number of June CFA hopefuls had increased annually since 2005 and reached a record 149,954 candidates last year.

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-31/cfa-june-exam-enrollment-falls-first-time-since-2005.html


I think it’ll be around the 65% mark…

That said, I’ve spoken to quite a few people on my office who thought the exam was really difficult. That should bring the pass mark down slightly…

Always interesting - the historical pass rates:



come on man…@ 50% the pass rate will be 95%…

Well to be fair the number of candidates DECREASED this go round. Not sure how that will affect the MPS. I’m Band 10’ing this for sure at this point. And I felt sooooo good walking out ;(

Decreased number of candidates means higher MPS because those casual candidates did not register at all.

Not according to 300 hours charts. I mean in the 70s-90s the pass rate was astronomically high, with a much lower base of candidates.


I don’t care what it does to the MPS, I love the idea that they are losing enrollees. I doubt it’s becuase of Wall Street employment trends declining though, there is a countercyclical aspect to any education based businesses. Enrollment goes up when employment optimism in general is lower.

So if the MPS is around ~65, that means you would have to get more than ~42 questions wrong? Is it me, or does 42 questions seem like a lot to get wrong?

I felt pretty confident after the exam…didn’t crush it but felt that my chances were good enough. I was getting mid 70’s to low 80’s on all the practice exams I took (Schweser, BSAS, CFAI). I felt like there was a lot I was preared for but also some questions that really threw me off.

Either way, after reading all of these posts about people saying it was easy, it has me going over the exam more and more in my head. I really thought I would be able to sleep comfortably until the results came back but now I’m worried sick! All I can think of is the questions I either guessed on or didn’t feel overly comfortable with! I guess more on this exam than any previous one, but also felt like was cruising along for most of it. Anyone else second guessing their performance now?

If you missed 2 questions per Vignette, you get 40 questions wrong. - Very easy!