What will be the MPS this year?

returning to work…I feel like I need a vacation, problem is, I already took four days off last week!

exactly, the way I think of it, assume all the questions you thought were hard or tricky you got wrong, so 10 wrong answers (per AM or PM). You still have an 11 question cushion and still pass. Multiply by two for the entire exam.


What is considered passing ethics? Greater than 50% or greater than 70%?



65% to 67% … i feel that pass rates will not exceed 41%

65 is gud

I haven’t read this entire thread but I hope the MPS is about 30%

… or 20%

… or even 10%

my goal was average 4/6 on every item set and do well in Ethics to ensure passing. I hope that’s what I did.

MissCleo- I don’t get it… What’s your story? Why do you think you finished Band 10 after “x” number of tries on LII?

The CFAI uses the Modified Angoff method to score the exam. Google it and read up on the process. Theoretically, everyone could fail. Your score relative to others sitting for the same exam does NOT matter…period. Basically, a bunch of ‘experts’ in the profession sit down, go over the exam and determine…based on that specific exam/difficulty, what percentage of ‘just competent’ candidates should have correctly answered each question. They then use that to set the MPS, or the score that a barely qualified candidate should have to pass. CFAI takes that score into consideration, but ultimately it’s up to them if they want to tweak that score up or down for whatever reason.