This may be a bit premature given my exam is 3 weeks away but I can’t help planning what I’m going to do after it. I didn’t manage to walk more than a few metres from the excel centre before the draw of alcohol got to me after the cfa exams. Any interesting suggestions that won’t get me arrested or sectioned?
Leave pearson. Have my driver take me to work.
Shame your driver couldn’t take you somewhere more fun
Taking the exam on the 20th. I plan on one big night then start studying for Level II and CFA Level I (June) simultaneously starting October 1st.
Wow - people on this forum are nuts. Everyone seems to be taking all of these exams at the same time… Is it really worth spending all of your free time studying???
Maybe not but I like being smarter than my boyfriend!
fair enough! i really wasn’t trying to be a jerk… and i really am wondering if people find it worth the effort in taking all of the exams to get the multiple designations. i decided to do CAIA because it fits best with what i’m current doing and what i’m interested in. as of right now, i have no plans on sitting for the CFA even though it has been around longer and is more widely recognized. i am considering looking into business school but i feel like then i really wouldn’t need to have both CFA and CAIA.
No I do agree. I’m doing level 3 CFA next year and hopefully finishing off CAIA. CFA is more important for my work but CAIA has provided an insight in areas I wasn’t that familiar with. Im hoping to continue working in a hedgefund and am trying to keep up with what others are doing. But at the end of the day i find that work experience probably ranks just as high as whatever exams you do. So after that I think I’m done. I started taking my PPL a while back so may finish that but that is a hobby rather than hard work really.