I am on 23rd.
23rd - as late as possible!
Did anyone take it today?
23rd as well. All those fellow procrastinator’s know why!
I was able to get a date change from the 21st to the 22nd. I am thankful!
so nobody on AF taking before 21st. I was expecting some feedback on exam before 21st
cfainnyc - please share your thoughts after the exam. Good luck
All I can say is that it is a tough one. Even though the level 1 test wasn’t very tough it was tougher than I expected. In this case, level 2 is just a hard test. It doesn’t quite compare with the CFA, but few people put in the same hours anyway. Good luck.
How do you feel after that? Were Essays tough? How many calculations related questions in MCQ and essasy? Was MCQ doable?
How did you do timewise? Were you able to finish first exam in 2 hours comfortably?
I won’t say anything specific, for obvious reasons. On the practice tests, I found that I did much better on the MC than the essays. Not this time… I finished the first section with about 3 minutes to spare - I was shocked. I think the test was fair, just tough. I’m just glad it’s over and hopefully I will have a few days to clear my head before I start to worry about having to retake.
How were you scoring on the Schweser’s CFAINNYC?
anyone wants to share his/her exp?