As obvious as this question may seem, there is no direct answer if you google this question! I am aware of the term structures finance and insurance actuary, but are there any other job titles involved?
So i hope to pool the forums intellect. Which jobs participate in creating bonds, derivatives, insurance and other financial securities? Do lawyers, doctors, quants all gather together? What is the process involved in creating a financial security? Does the SEC take part as well?
I look forward to your posts!
Well I can’t think of anything you would have a doctor work on. For something like bonds basically whoever is getting the money will be the party creating the bond. So if a company is going to issue debt they are the ones creating it, but they would get advice from lawyers etc. and might also have an underwriter.
For something like options it would be the trader that would create that, or maybe like a treasury department of a company.
Also remember most securities are basically just contracts, so parties will agree to terms, it’s not like you are manufacturing bonds, it’s one party is agreeing to lend money and the other is agreeing to pay it back and the bond just makes it legally binding (and tradable etc.).
In terms of job titles they would be so different and what you would actually be doing is so different that’s it’s hard to come up with a list, it could be anything from derivatives trader to CEO to a sales manager at car dealership.
I know a couple of people that do it. They work in ‘structured products’ (at two different companies). Seems like a good job.