Why are Democrats obsessed with looking into Trump's "finances"?

guy on buffalo im not even going to respond really you use so much false information in your argument its not shocking you come to that conclusion. You also seem to be wildly off base and say things to make yourself feel better most likely.

The fun thing is now Trumpers are basically admitting he colluded and dont care because their guy won. Some patriots I’ll tell ya. If you all love Putin so much go ahead and move to Russia, its such a wonderful place for freedom loving people.

I don’t understand this allegation of “collusion” which is the directive of Muellers investigation… “If there was a train wreck where are the trains?”

We know the DNC was hacked and POSdesta fell victim to a low tech phishing scam… Even if it was a Russian intelligence operation or a “lone wolf” in Russia I don’t see how/why the Trump campaign would be involved in this… the WikiLeaks were at most embarrassing but no real “bombshell”… Trumps real gift was Hillarys seperate email server scandal and Comey’ letter… The DNC hack and POSdesta emails were barely covered by media. Hillary never took questions about it or even acknowledge their authenticity.

People want to talk about “fake news” helped Trump… what I saw was 24/7 coverage of the MSM attacking Trump’s character and the Access Hollywood tape which was pretty damaging at the time… Obama endorsed Hillary and she had all the celebrities touring the country telling people how much of a monster Trump was and how he was this big bad buggyman that would persecute gays, lock up Mexicans, takeaway birth control and start WW3… DNC/Podesta were minor footnotes

The Russia story is just a distraction by the Hillary campaign to save face and “explain” how they lost $1billion in marketing and blew it

Never understood this logic. Its only “class warfare” when its something that negatively effects the rich, when benefits that predominantly benefit the poor are slashed its called “fiscal responsibility” and helping job creators. All these policies are really class related, the wealthy have just done a fabulous job convincing lower/middle class republicans that for some reason policies that will actually hurt them are good for them.

Would be a fabulous thing to study I am sure, the decades of marketing is genius really

Well see this is where your problem starts, it wasnt a train wreck, it was possibly collusion. That doesnt leave train parts all over and people would certainly try to cover their digital footprint. I guess the investigators of the Enron scandal should have just left since their radiation detectors werent going off!

IF Trump administration agreed to be more lax on russia in exchange for Russias help thats what people want to know. If he did that, he under minded the democratic process and made a deal for the benefit of himself not the country. Thats a serious problem, if you dont see that you should likely not have the ability to vote. The investigation is to see if Trump & co planned to do this and screw us all

anything else besides the DNC hack and podesta emails ??? because those were inconsequential… if that’s all the Russians had to offer it wasn’t much help and not worth trading for…

the media wants people to think that Putin offered some emails by DNC/podesta that are mostly harmless mundade office scheduling… maybe 1% embarrassing at most… and in exchange Trump “colluded” buy offering complete obedience, removal of sanctions, concessions NATO/Syria and hands over US foreign policy…doesn’t make sense ie. collusion theory is stupid

Access Hollywood tape was 100000x worse than WikiLeaks… as a Trump supporter I really thought it was over that day

We’ll certainly find out wont we? Thats the point of this investigation, I’ll wait and see what Mueller has to say. I’ll accept whatever his report ends up being if adequate evidence in either direction is presented.


Lock her up!

Wouldn’t Election Meddling 101 suggest that the best course of action would be to infiltrate the party you are trying topple? Are there a lot of reports by the Democrats regarding rebuffed approaches by the Russians or suspicious characters? Has the Special Counsel been interviewing key Democrats to see if they can recall any unusual behavior? Key Republicans? Don’t the Russians usually just send a beautiful woman to collect information?

BUT her EmAiLs

What scandal? The one you want really badly to exist?

The reason why this stupidity keeps happening, is cause no laws. You can turn the USG into a circus for the purpose of grinding everything to a halt (obviously this is the purpose), and there is 0% chance of punishment. The risk/reward profile is broken. There needs to be life in prison and death penalty. Comey committed election fraud, and there is a corporate media a coup, those SHOULD BE death penalty. Because not, this will now become the new norm.





so lets say hypothetically some wrongdoing is found and some trump insider names are released. trump will most likely pardon these people. so basically it is/was a giant waste of taxpayer money. and the worst thing for trump is that trump might not get reelected for a second term.

Let’s keep going down this path. Still waiting for even ONE libtard who can explain their “master plan”. So the corporate media coup succeeds, and impeachment, and this is great for the democratic party and media reputation, during a populist uprising and cultural shift? Everyone will vote democrat going forward, right? LOL.

Democrays and Repulican’ts should focus on what actually matters, the largest existential threat to all life on earch: asteroids :bulb:. We need to build a missile shield or something similar against these as soon as we can. Prof. Alan Fitsimmons, an astrophysicist working on this said the following:

‘It is important to know that scientists and engineers have made great strides in detecting near-Earth asteroids and understanding the threat posed by them. Over 1 800 potentially hazardous objects have been discovered so far, but there are many more waiting to be found ,’ he commented. ‘Astronomers find near-Earth asteroids every day and most are harmless. But it is still possible the next Tunguska would take us by surprise, and although we are much better at finding larger asteroids that does us no good if we are not prepared to do something about them.’ :open_mouth:

And, if such an asteroid was found that would blow up the earth in a few years then governments might not even teach about it in schools. Astrophysics isn’t usually covered in the US education system, unfortunately.

^ We have a secret weapon against astroids. It’s called Bruce Willis.

Couldn’t agree more… Dinosaurs never thought it could happen and look what happened to them…

things is, asteroids have been around for decades and scientists still don’t know jack about them :-1:. not much hope for our humble species, i fear

Guess you never made it to the end of the film… hate to break it to you bro… he dies

And as well all no, the NASA nerdanauts dont know JACK about drillin