Let’s face it, even Trump in his typical Trumpisms isn’t even a full standard deviation away from the mean. His immigration policy may be more vocal than presidents of past, but even O’bama deported a shit load of people back into Mexico. Both O’bama and Trump drone bomb a crap load of people too.
Fact is, that no matter who’s in office, so many things are done quite literally the same way.
Thus, I’m going to vote for none other, than, the “hot one”. Every word this gal speaks just makes it sound like she’s got it going on. Nobody else on that entire stage, is as composed as she is. Sanders sounds like a angry baboon. Warren is the wicked witch from Oz. Biden is a pervert. Harris has a cartoon villain voice. buttigieg looks like the guy we bullied in elementary school for being, well, a nerd. But Gabbard, you just listen to that gal for 10 seconds and you don’t have a single doubt about it that “she’s got it going on”.
One of my friends picks her fantasy team based upon attraction, and it works out pretty well for her. So, I’m picking my president on the same system - ain’t nothing illogical bout it either.
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (the one-eyed former Navy Seal) List of people that aren’t Russian assets: 1. President Trump 2. Tulsi Gabbard 3. Just about every American because it’s a stupid accusation. And yet it has somehow been normalized by the Democrat Party as a legitimate political attack. Anything for power.
The whole Russian asset thing they’re focused on cracks me up. Just further reinforces how out of touch that party is getting and their commitment to the blame game.
You have problems? Didn’t succeed? Come join us as we blame groups together!
I mean, the US supports various leaders around the world. That doesn’t make those leaders a “US asset.” Same goes for Russia. Russia supports certain US political leaders. That doesn’t de facto make them a Russian asset. Asset implies ownership and control, in my mind.
The GOP knows how to win elections. Create fear when none is needed. Blame someone. Get voters pissed and motivated. Win. Repeat. The dems just suck at big picture election strategery. That’s not to say I like how the GOP operates. Just how it is.
The whataboutism is true (it usually is, which is why most people resort to dismissing it through terminology). I guess this goes back to my recurring point about you all aren’t so different after all. In a way you’d think people would find the overarching commonality comforting, but I suspect given all the sh*t party lovers have been throwing at each other these last few years the look in the mirror is too much to take, driving the cognitive dissonance and lack of self reflection.