Why is there a kid pushing the climate change hoax?

conflicting signals…

spotlight on Gretta and the gang indicate that the whole global warming story is fake,

but here where I live the sea level has noticeably risen, similar to this https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/10/21/west-africa-is-being-swallowed-by-the-sea-climate-change-ghana-benin/

bro it’s rising less than 1 cm a year. Live in a higher spot? Don’t live below sea levels? Should be easy to adapt!

So you see something with your eyes and don’t believe it?

I see that the last president and his wife are living in a mansion near the ocean, his celebrity friends are flying around in private jets and living in mansions, if the problem is real, they don’t seem too concerned about it so why do I need to cut my consumption or support policies that try to make the choice for me? If they gave up their luxuries, I may take them more seriously.

Not wanting to do anything about an issue and not believing in an issue that is before your eyes are completely different.

I think his point is that nobody really knows what the truth is, or whether it’s a real issue. It has become too political to know the objective truth.

Well, I was replying to elcoelhon, who said “over here the ocean has already claimed many houses that were not even close to the beach when I was a kid… big dilemma whether to believe in global warming or not” and posted the below article. Like, the sea is rising, objectively, where that person grew up and they are not sure why? Please give me other explanations for the sea level rising.


For many years I simply didn’t care about climate change so I didn’t do any research whatsoever. There were several political issues I found much more pressing. Couple years ago I decided to actually see what’s up and do some digging, reading both sides of the debate (and figuring out who paid for the research), and reassessing my position.

I concluded climate change is absolutely real. There’s no doubt humans are causing much of it (though nothing we can do that can come close to the effects of the Sun’s behavior). There’s also no doubt no one has any idea what the impact will actually be, long-term. It’s easier to predict inflation and interest rates than climate change.

tl;dr (kinda): Climate change is real. Humans are responsibly to some degree. I still don’t care with the exception of the cute little animals that may be at risk. And, there’s no reason to not be good stewards of our planet so why not just clean things up a bit? Except paper straws. Those things suck.

Yes, climate change is real. The long-term (hundred year) impacts are difficult to predict, as STL says, but it does seem like the sea level will rise for the next couple of decades. This sucks for people that live near sea level or have a home near sea level. Below is the global contribution breakdown. As you can see, the prison system is a relatively large contributor as a result of fugitive emissions from all of the baked beans they serve…


Also, Philly just banned single use plastic bags. I love this. A less filthy Filthadelphia.

climate change is real. but climate change is de minimis. ppl who make it a big deal are extra polating the data. cuz honestly back then 1800s i think climate change was only 2mm, but now its closer to a cm.

the people who are complaining are highly politicized. because on the real, the people who drowend would have drowned irrespective of a cm rise from last year. natural disasters happen. if you want to add real value. give money to these people directly affected so that they can move to safer area as oppose to eating vegan to save the world.

No, there’s a general consensus among the scientific community. https://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/

There’s just one side (I’ll let you guess who) that politicizes it and people like you who don’t want to spend 5 minutes figuring out what side is telling the truth and which side receives the majority of fossil fuel donations. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=e01

It is like greenman said, we don’t know the truth

you have an explanation you like the best,. But it could also be a ciclical event running on a really long cicle, or it could even be that they are creating the problem to later sell the solution

Wrong and false. We know there is climate change on a long cycle, we also have a very good grasp on the manmade component. I started in the other camp years back until I did my own extended dive into the available research. If houses in your area are dealing with the ocean it is likely from erosion and shifting tides (not climate related) this happens all the time. But that doesn’t change the fact that virtually every piece of peer reviewed research has found the same findings and the explanation is internally logically consistant. People pretending this is not a pressing issue are being willfully ignorant.

Well, now, let’s hold up a sec. Climate change is a politically charged issue on both sides of the aisle. Yes, the right is full of old men that don’t understand science and want to keep regulations to a minimum, and by denying climate change is even happening they don’t have to bother with finding a solution. But, the left is full of folks that want more regulations (by definition that makes it politically charged) while side skirting the fact they need solutions but can’t come up with any, just band aids that generally discourage the use of carbon burning fuels through punitive taxation.

What eventually gets us on the right path is going to be technological advances, not politics. Unless Congress wants to throw a lot of money at the private sector towards energy innovation, and I’m not talking about tax credits for double-paned windows. Once humans figure out a way to efficiently store and transfer power, the adoption of clean energy will skyrocket.

Or everyone could just wise up and get behind the best option - by far - nuclear energy.

^ Not sure about nuclear energy but we also need to understand some things. California is super progressive on the issue… until you realize six of the top ten highest air pollution US cities are in CA and they’re the second highest per capita carbon emitting state in the country (just behind Texas which houses the petrochem industry). To your point, it’s one thing for libtards to talk about it and get morally superior its another to realize that overpopulating a hot and arid state creates wild fire hazard. The 2018 fires released as much carbon into the atmosphere as was produced generating a year’s worth of electricity for the state.

I’m not saying this to say lets do nothing, but yes, it is politicized and no, it’s not just the right and yes, the hypocrisy of CA makes you want to vomit. Everyone seems to have found common ground chosing to do nothing that actually impacts them directly though, so I guess there’s that.

yall remind me of that kid that needs a jacket cuz it might get cold. (im just kidding, i get cold easy)

what is so pressing about this climate change issue. if we dont stop is the world going to die? if so, when?

every man dies, but not every man truly lives. - william wallace


Agreed, #imwithbigoil #drillbabydrill

How come?

I’m genuinely interested, but it’s about time for me to call it a year so I may not respond for about a month or so. Nobody burn the Water Cooler down over the holidays.

The pileup of waste ultimately turns into an equally large issue. It’s plausible we can get better results through a diverse grid of wind, solar, hydro.