World Cup 2014

ghana needs to learn how to run a fast break

Gyan now joint top African goal scorer at the World Cup with roger milla.

Klose now joint top World Cup goal scorer with ronaldo. Scored at 4 world cups, what a legend

My thoughts exactly. Ghana needs help tho to get in. Just winning their next one might not be enough.

the spanish got nothing on nigeria faking injuries and flopping

^ the best part of that match was the Bosnian goalkeeper trying to drag one of the Nigerian players off the field while he was “cramping”.

Worra donkey.

I see the Africans have finally come to the party, about time it would seem.

Fuck the Ayatollah

that was brilliant. Someone should do that to robben next time

hopefully they don’t have to go back to iran…

Belgium need to be sent home ASAP. Worst football i’ve ever seen from such a team.

is that 2 dudes?

All those gas masks must’ve ruined your eyesight.

Koreans struggling with the pace and physicality of Algeria…

Not only will it, it also has a legit shot to finish 1st.

Sucj it trader

I spoke too soon.

Bradley is useless And Ronaldo’s cross to Varela… just wow. That was sensational.

Not really any change to the reasonability of the finishing first statement. Whether they beat Portugal or not, they have to beat Germany in order to finish 1st.

The unfortunate aspect (for Americans) is the Portugese are still in it and a win for them against Ghana puts them through.

If the US beat Portugal today, all that the US needed was a tie vs Germany to win their group. Now they need a win.

Second, Portugal is still a long shot even if they beat Ghana and the US loses. US is at +1 in goal differential, Portugal is at -4.