World Cup 2014

Who would have thought that Costa Rica would top their group?

I thought they’d be lucky to get a point, given the strength of Italy, England and Uruguay. Just goes to show the game isn’t played on paper.

2 straight 1st round exits for Italy since winning it all in 2006.

Nice read, I’m a casual football fan so don’t know much of his story.

England suck so much, went to Brazil and scored only 2 goals. I knew all the hype was undeserved, England have some work to do and they can’t keep talking about a final that happened nearly 50 years ago.


Enough said.

Unfortunately Suarez’ biting overshadows somewhat the win by Uruguay, but glad to see the Italians and their disgusting style of play out of the World Cup. These jokers were faking injuries and killing the game for 84 minutes staight thinking they are squeezing with 0:0, and only started playing after they were a goal down.

They had a lovely core of talented young players. They had a dinosaur of a manager who’se stuck in the 60s.

I am slightly dissapointed Italy are out. Catennacio defending - You will be missed. When Neymar starts expressing himself it is beautiful to watch


The pundits on British TV were going on about how improved they were last night but I thought they were worse. in all 3 games they just moved the ball so slowly and had nothing in the final 3rd.

Sturridge also clearly dived in the box and left his foot in when going for a 50:50 with the CR keeper but nobody even mentioned it on the commentary or in the lengthly post mortum.

They then quickly moved onto the Suarez incident and their faux outrage that seems to be tabloid Britains default reaction to everything.

^you and i share a common hate for the british media

Suarez is an animal, but an unbelievable player who may unfortunately be remembered more for these rather unflattering incidents.

Thanks for the ESPN article, great read on him, I particularly liked this line which eerily predicted things quite well…

Toronto Star, in the same piece, also wrote: “He will do something insane at this summer’s World Cup – mark it down. … Eventually, he’ll punch a baby.”


No Problem, there was another phenomenal one, i’ll dig it up if i can find it.

Suarez might be crazy and not quite right in the head but he’s fking amazing. He’s crude, he’s a bastard, he will cheat, dive, bite to get victory and he will do it in front of the cameras. Image be damned. He is who he is and makes no bones about it.

We haven’t seen someone as flawed as him and i doubt we will in the considerable future. I hope he wins the world cup.

This Suarez guy is a dog. He deserves to be kenneled for the rest of the tournament. He bites a guy on the shoulder then get hits and cries on the ground. Pussy. He is not some type of anti-hero so don’t try to paint him as someone to be admired. No real sport would stand for that. If the league wouldn’t do anything the players would take their own justice.

Why do you care? You think soccer is boring and you don’t get it, and you don’t think it’s a “real sport”. Why are you even watching?

I’m curious, how does a sport qualify as real? is it when only 1 country watches it? or does it need to involve teams becoming ‘franchises’ and uprooting and moving location chasing money?

No, it’s when you bring a tournament to a country and make an army of poor people work in dangerous conditions to build facilities that won’t be used once the tournament leaves. It’s when the outcome of the highest level of competition is not accepted at face value because of the well known fixed matches.

Waah, I don’t understand why everyone likes this sport, waaah it’s not a real sport, waaah they gave it to a third world country instead of the mighty you yes a. waah,waah,waah.

Run along lxwarr , I hear 50 cent has a new song about his birthday and the 50’th ho he’s banged.

As for the original topic there is no condoning what Suarez did but the false outrage is astounding. He’s a nutter and not someone you want as a role model but looking at the big picture it is hard not to repect him just a bit. From the slums of Montevideo to the greatest stage in sport and everything in between. He’s overcome incredible setbacks and triumphed despite everything stacked against him. Sheer heart and character.

You can see it in his gameplay also, it isn’t pretty, it has no style, it’s just pure fight. Garra Charrua describes him perfectly. However, yes he needs his head checked.

I’d be outraged if I were a fan of Uruguay because he’s going to be suspended for 2 matches, which greatly reduces their chances of advancing.