Whatevah lxwarr30, Chiellini was a lil’ simulant b!tch the whole game and deserved to be roughed up a little. Biting was the wrong choice perhaps given the prior history of Suarez and how he might have kicked himself out of the competition greatly reducing Uruguay’s chance of advancing any further, but the guy is nuts and burns in the game which makes it fun to watch. The Italians are known for dirtly and destructive play, they are just more skillful at it than others. Materazzi comes to mind in recent history…
^ That doesn’t justify Suarez’s vampire attack.
I’m going to be pissed if the French throw this one to prevent the Swiss from advancing. Perhaps an argument for going to head-to-head record over score differential.
No, he should be suspended from the WC and that’s it, move on all. Trolls on the tv and the internets writing essays about what bad example he sets for the young kids and how his questionable moral character makes him a bad role model blah blah just need to shut up with their melodrama. Italian media whining that this despicable act of violence cost them the game also need to shut up and look at their pathetic performance for 85 mins straight.
lol at italians claiming the moral high ground
Throw the moral role model things aside. Do you support a playstyle of hurting others outside of accidental contact? In my opinion that attack was the same as a punch. Would you support it if he just walked up and punched him?
Again lxwarr30, why do you care if this is a boring sport and you don’t get it? Maybe you should go find a different thread and give us your lectures.
He’ll be suspended for 2 games. If he’s suspended for more, he can appeal to CAS and that will allow him to play against Columbia while the appeal is open, which FIFA does not want. He can’t appeal the 2 game suspension.
I agree with Mobius, this stuff happens from time to time, just give the guy a ban and move on with the game.
The 1st one is more the Brasilian government’s fault and the 2nd is just flatly untrue
I dont understand how anyone can defend Suarez on any front. I’m a lifelong football fan and i’ve never seen anything like this. As far as him being a role model, good father, all that sh** is for the birds. Lots of hypocrisy when it comes to athletes being role models so that’s just bs. That still does not nullify that this professional, high earning athlete bit another athlete. I actually like Suarez. He’s a joy to watch as a footballer. Other than his tendency to always dive and his previous biting episodes, i’m cool with everything including him saving the ball with his hands last WC.
I agree with Mobius Strip that he should be suspended for the world cup and beyond and everyone can just move on. No need to dwell on it or bad mouth the guy or talk about him being from Montevideo. I’d say most of the guys who play in the big leagues come from very humble beginnings and they’re not out here biting people. As an now highly paid footballer, You rose above that and you should act accordingly and if you don’t, you pay the price i.e. you get suspended from the world cup and beyond. 24 months should suffice. There were bigger stars before Suarez and there will be bigger stars after Suarez so i don’t see why this is even a debate. Suspend him for 24 months and everyone should move on.
dis my parlay for 2morrow
USA/ger tie
i got a another 1:
port/ghana tie
good korea
im down about $250 so far dis world cup, lol. gonna drink some steel reserves from da gas station to take da sting off
saurez has no honor. bite 3 times, racist and handballs
Ghana have missed training this week due to a payment dispute and now Muntari and Boateng have been sent home. It’s looking good for the US as they will likely go through even if the Germans pump them.
This explains the stories about not respecting him that came out at the time of the post season trip to the UAE.
Can see him joining the mercenaries at PSG for £40m+
Portugal has the ability to score a bunch of goals IF they play like they did in the first 5 minutes of the USA game. I dont understand why they always turn off the back burners when they score. I still believe Portugal can advance after watching some of the last few games that have been high scoring. Germany will beat USA, they won’t settle for a draw when you have Muller going for the golden boot and Klose going for the record.
^ It is supposedly raining in Recife like the world is ending. Roads are flooded, the field is a swamp, stadium will likely be half empty because fans can’t get there. I think that increases the chances of a 0-0 draw, particularly if someone goes down early with an injury due to the field conditions.
So somebody help me out. If US-Germany is postponed, but in the meantime, Ghana and Portugal play to a draw, will they still play the US-Germany match? It seems like it would be kind of a moot point then.
Despite the heavy rain, officials already said that the match will take place. Let´s hope Greenman´s scenario will not happen…