He’s being charged by the world’s football court. Brazilian courts don’t have time to deal with some tourist biting another tourist. He’s been removed the from country and sentenced by another body for his actions, that’s good enough for them.
There is no “world football court”. The only court that matters is a Brazilian one, and if they charge him with assault, then you might have an argument. Until then save your moral outrage for a different thread.
FIFA is the world’s governing body for football, that makes them the world football court. He’s free to appeal the suspension to the CAS. If they find it to be excessive, they’ll reduce it. I have no moral outrage, but your “different governing bodies” argument is naive at best, bordering on moronic. If you have no understanding as to why the Brazilian courts aren’t going to expend resources on prosecuting him, you’re beyond help.
Perhaps you have difficulty in understanding something - Brazilian courts decide whether it is assault or not. They have not charged him, nor does it appear they are, which means it is not assault. That might be hard for you to understand, so please reread a few times.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, you make stupid arguments about a sport you don’t follow and you come and lecture others with your self-absorbed moral outrage. Go find a different thread to troll.
And sheesh guys, chill out. The one-upmanship is getting ridiculous. This is one of the calmer threads in the shitfest that is the water cooler yeah?
I’m with Gman and Higgi that this isn’t false moral outrage. The man is a serial biter and once is excusable as a rush of blood to the head, 2 yeah ok - benefit of doubt but 3 is borderline ridiculous. There was a line in that article that made a lot of sense : Due to Suarez’s upbringing when a defender comes in he doesn’t react like he’s trying to take the ball away from him, he reacts like the defender is trying to send him back to the slums. Not that it’s an excuse but a bit of context for those quick to label him a savage wouldn’t go amiss.
As for the FIFA debate i’m quite sure none of us really know the true legalities behind the organization but for what it’s worth the Premier league rules, T.V rights etc are solely owned by the English FA and FIFA has no jurisdiction there. The decision to ban him from international football is well within FIFA’s rights but to ban him from club football makes it a bit sketchy.
I suspect Liverpool will come out with a statement soon after assesing their options and the picture will become clearer.
That’s just sensationalism. There are hundreds of athletes that have grown up in areas as bad or worse than where he did. It’s up to them to choose their direction. You can be like Richard Sherman and go on to get 4.0 at Stanford. You can be like Aaron Hernandez and keep up your thug lifestyle. Being from a slum is not an excuse for his behavior.
Again, no one is defending Suarez, least of all me. But let’s be clear, Suarez has been punished, it’s a question of how long and pervasive the ban should be.
LOL. For someone who is upset I’m judging him without knowing him you’re quick to jump on me without having my story.
Public education in the worst American schools doesn’t really provide an education. They’re glorified recruiting ground for gangs. They specifically target kids from broken homes who need emotional support due to the lack they get at home. This and the culture of poverty leads to abusing substances. It’s great that he avoided this route and I applaud him for that. I just don’t think his background is as unique as you make it out to be. I don’t need to respect anyone who shows no respect to others. He got a fair if not lenient punishment for his immaturity.
Going back a few days but did anyone else catch a glimpse of an English twat reading the FT in the crowd during the Costa Rica game?
Now, I like to read the FT as much as the next finance professional but really? During a world cup game? even though it was a dead rubber, the sun is shining, you’re in brasil, the stadium is full of hot brasilians. wtf…
Chill out, I seriously don’t know why you’re getting so wound up. I didn’t want to go there because that’s a completely different debate and that’s why I deleted the post.
His background is very unique but again I don’t feel like going there, It is most definately a fair punishment and all anyone is saying categorically without doubt is that there are probably a ton of legal loopholes with this decision that should become clearer soon.
Again, if you can’t understand why local prosecutors would not waste their time with formal assualt charges, not even god can help you. And one last time since you don’t seem to be able to read, I have no moral outrage. If a guy wants to bite people knowing it will cost him tons of money and hurt his team, that’s up to him. He shouldn’t cry when it comes time to pay the piper though.