Different governing bodies is really a technicality. Liverpool is part of the EPL and EPL is part of UEFA, so it’s part of FIFA by default.
Liverpool can’t appeal,
Technically LFC < Prem League < UEFA< FIFA
I think Luis is being sentenced for everything he’s done in his career, not just in this World Cup or last World cup, which in my mind is unfair since he served his sentences for the other incidents already. This is just double taxation. If you’re objective about the law, I think you can agree with what I’m saying here.
Algerians in.
Now the real World Cup starts…
What’s the “I believe that we will win” thing about?
If you haven’t read this already:
Soccer - a sign of moral decay.
does anyone even read her garbage anymore?
Typical Yank garbage
It is just a theory. The different organizations loosely respond to FIFA which is why there has been whispered talk of a breakaway organization.
I think a more plausible reason for Liverpool appealing the ban are the technical loopholes that will arise from such a decision. This is an article from the times - a decent newspaper
Yep, these are all three different competitions, with different bodies with their own interests. It is not the NFL where they can simply implement a ban, with no objection. That and I don’t think it’s fair for them to take into account behavior from a totally different competition (the EPL or the Eredivisie) when punishing something done at a World Cup. If there is a need for a longer term ban, which there might, I think it would need to be done after review from both UEFA and the EPL…I don’t think FIFA would or should do it unilaterally.
^ What if the ban had been for using performance enhancing drugs? Would it be fair for him to be suspended from all soccer activities then? It would still be a different competition with technically different governing bodies. People who get caught using PED’s in just about every sport are banned from competing at any level.
How is Ronaldo Team USA MVP? Yeah, it would be kind of funny if it makes sense, but it doesn’t. If he hadn’t crossed that fantastic ball at the last minute against the USA, the USA would have still won 2nd place in the group. If he hadn’t scored that goal versus Ghana, USA would have still won 2nd place in the group. So basically, Ronaldo could have not existed and the outcome for the USA would have been exactly the same. Seems to me he’s the LVP, not MVP.
Apples and oranges. The rules for PED’s are totally different, and the different bodies typically agree on it. This was an in-game infarction in a totally separate team, and competition from what Liverpool competes in.
It’s a chant the U.S. supporters use during the games. Better than a lot of the racist crap some of the other fan bases spew.
I don’t have a problem with him being banned from both club and country. Dude BIT ANOTHER DUDE WHILE PLAYING IN THE BIGGEST TOURNAMENT IN THE WORLD. Add this to the fact that he’s bitten before, and the fact that he blatantly handballed a certain goal. I’m certain that his penchant for recidivism has been taken into account.
I also think this is different from using PED’s. You can change your behavior (in theory) from sport to sport. That is, biting in a WC game doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll bite in a club game. However, you can’t “separate” using PED’s. That is, you can’t say, “I use steroids for my World Cup games, but not my Liverpool games.”
Nonetheless, the dude is an idiot who has little regard for the rules. The hammer should fall hard and fast on him.
I don’t think anyone has a problem with him being banned, it’s about the extent of the ban…I think a world cup suspension, and a few months off is legit. If he bites somebody in another international match, then I think it’s fair to start talking about longer bans.
Assualt is something different bodies typically agree upon as well. While I understand that assault within a sporting competition is given more leeway than assault on the street, had he bitten some guy in a bar instead of on the pitch, I’m quite certain the Brazilian court would have given consideration to his prior biting incidents eventhough they did not occur in Brazil. If the sentence from that court interfered with his job, he would also be SOL.
Before you incorrectly try to cry apples and organges again, biting is biting regardless of the venue. Had he tackled too hard/too late and injured his opponent, that would be different because tackling is a part of the game. Biting is not.
It’s really not. If he’s being charged by a Brazilian court, that would be a different story, but as far as I know he is not.
I don’t know how this doesn’t resonate with everyone. He didn’t play physically and knock his opponent around. He literally walked up and bite the guy. Then cried like a pussy when he got hit. But more importantly, as higgmond said, that’s assault. The venue he did it does not matter. Being on a soccer field doesn’t give you immunity to the law. FIFA needs to govern their domain with more strictly.