Your unicorn job?

Any preference?

Trolli rainbow unicorn trolli lol gif GIF

President of the United States of America


Bounty Hunter.

Trophy husband

Professional Troll. Literally my dream job.


Fighter pilot by day, beach volleyball player by dusk.

Motorcycle custom shop owner.

Think Orange County Choppers, but focused on sport bikes.

brah, you should start a sport bike reality show! it would be great

I will, after I develop my portfolio into a $47m/year muni bond monster and retire early.

Flying jets.

Righteous Economic Hitman.

Highway to the dangerzone?? Am I right? OR Am I right?

You can be my wingman anytime.

founder of a tech firm at age 20 with valuations in the billions range with ownership of 49%.



I listen to the game’s soundtrack all the time. So good.

professional poker player but not having to grind 20-hour sessions. I’m talking a few times a week for about 3-5 hours and I can win 2.5x big blinds per hour.

yeah that sounds enticing. caveat is for poker players is the high amount of variance. its crazy life changing variance. big swings, all the time, even for the top players. some do grind it out on 25/50 cash games. I personally am horrible at cash games and prefer SNG (low variance) and MTT (extremely high variance).