CFA Chicks

Maybe your bond with her had an embedded call girl option?

purealpha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dood, my CPA/MBA ex drove me nuts with the shop > talk in the house. One night she asked me to > amortize bond premium…seriously? > > Much prefer someone fun and humorous, there are > other types of smart besides analyst smart. Ha, been there. Anyone else hate dealing with their woman’s griping about work(or stupid sh!t in general)? One of the nice parts of being single now is not having to come home to an hour of solid complaining. Most the time I’d just zone out and make active listening grunts of agreement.

i only date nurses.

I really don’t like nurses for some reason…they seem morbid, teachers are good, and my teacher lady has a play nurse outfit so that works.

Excellent breaking the ice point when you see them at the library, " oh what level are you on"? But im in a relationship and dont start useless small talk anymore, but for you single guys out there, nothing beats an in depth conversation of black-litterman’s pros over mean variance optimization to get the flirting juices going

purealpha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dood, my CPA/MBA ex drove me nuts with the shop > talk in the house. One night she asked me to > amortize bond premium…seriously? Sounds like the female version of numi.

Being an actuary I once dated an actuary for 4 years. We deeply cared for each other. HOWEVER, there was a lot of competition between us. She was ahead of me in exams when we started dating but I caught up to her. In terms of salary I overtook her after 2 years. It was strange since she loved me and at the same time resented me for being ‘so darn smart’. Miss you babe!

I exclusively date girls that work at Mcdonalds… Burger King sometimes, and Taco Bell occasionally, but mostly Mcdonalds

You can’t often choose the circles you run in but if you can, try to date intellectual people who like to party and at the same time are BELOW your high & mighty socio-economic class. Read the article in the NYTimes about the broke writer who did the opposite.


KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You can’t often choose the circles you run in but > if you can, try to date intellectual people who > like to party and at the same time are BELOW your > high & mighty socio-economic class. Read the > article in the NYTimes about the broke writer who > did the opposite. Why did they recommend to date someone below your socio-economic class? I was just curious. I wouldn’t say I’ve dated anyone above my class (most of my girl friends are either about the same, or below) so I don’t know what’s like.

numi post that link brother

fxguy1234, i don’t know what article KJH was talking about… KJH, link please?

It was in the Sunday Times. Look, this was an excellent read but the article doesn’t explicitly say “date somebody below your socio-economic class.” It implies the root of this guy’s problems are that he runs with an expensive crowd. It was just a great article full of behavioral insight. I highly recommend it just for the drama. personal note: I’m a geezer compared to everyone here but I got a little bit ahead in life by (1) hanging with people who were poorer than myself, (2) saving like mad cuz I was paranoid about my career and (3) limiting my use of leverage

Nice… I seem to find that I am saving much more lately too. I recently paid off about 10K in Debt and now am just using cash day to day and building up an emergency fund. It’s was hard at first but it is very freeing not having to rely on credit

needhelp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Being an actuary I once dated an actuary for 4 > years. We deeply cared for each other. > > HOWEVER, there was a lot of competition between > us. She was ahead of me in exams when we started > dating but I caught up to her. In terms of salary > I overtook her after 2 years. It was strange since > she loved me and at the same time resented me for > being ‘so darn smart’. I have often thought about trying to look for a guy taking actuarial exams (or at least CFA exams) because there would be a mutual understanding of why we can’t go out to the bar every night. But have often feared there would be this kind of competition. Needless to say I have not found an actuarial romeo. =(

When I finally paid off my student loans, I put the old payment I was making into an emergency fund. If you find yourself having recurring expenses that have stopped recurring, this is a good way to increase your savings. And it’s true: expensive friends are expensive. Starving artists are typically inexpensive to hang out with and yet intellectually or emotionally deep. Fashion designers typically aren’t.

HeartyMath, what are the chances offinding an actuarial Romeo?

hah, slim to none i think… LOL

IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have often thought about trying to look for a > guy taking actuarial exams (or at least CFA exams) > because there would be a mutual understanding of > why we can’t go out to the bar every night. Holy sh!t that is a huge coincidence because I am taking actuarial exams this year. 'Sup babee