CFA Chicks

lies!!! aren’t you practically married anyway?

Yeah, married to my actuarial license. How you dooinnn’?


IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > needhelp Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Being an actuary I once dated an actuary for 4 > > years. We deeply cared for each other. > > > > HOWEVER, there was a lot of competition between > > us. She was ahead of me in exams when we > started > > dating but I caught up to her. In terms of > salary > > I overtook her after 2 years. It was strange > since > > she loved me and at the same time resented me > for > > being ‘so darn smart’. > > > I have often thought about trying to look for a > guy taking actuarial exams (or at least CFA exams) > because there would be a mutual understanding of > why we can’t go out to the bar every night. But > have often feared there would be this kind of > competition. > > Needless to say I have not found an actuarial > romeo. > > =( I think you need a man who is both an actuary and a charterholder so he could teach you stuff in exchange for stuff.

needhelp Wrote: > I think you need a man who is both an actuary and > a charterholder so he could teach you stuff in > exchange for stuff. pllllleaseeee… i can teach him stuff in exchange for stuff. how 'bout them apples?

IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > needhelp Wrote: > > > I think you need a man who is both an actuary > and > > a charterholder so he could teach you stuff in > > exchange for stuff. > > > pllllleaseeee… i can teach him stuff in exchange > for stuff. how 'bout them apples? deal

ok, i was like totally joking.

IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > pllllleaseeee… i can teach him stuff in exchange > for stuff. how 'bout them apples? Sold. I have a lot of stuff to learn.

oh, dear.

bchadwick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > And it’s true: expensive friends are expensive. > Starving artists are typically inexpensive to hang > out with and yet intellectually or emotionally > deep. Fashion designers typically aren’t. Interesting insights. On somewhat of a tangent (though also related), there are a lot of people that earn good money but enjoy living a fairly low-key lifestyle. In fact, I find that even though there are a lot of people who like to flaunt what they have, some of the most successful people I know are also very discreet about what they have and what they own. The nice thing about these folks is that they tend to know a lot of high-caliber people and have connections to exclusive events, which are always good opportunities to have. I think a little swank in one’s life is good thing. However, when we’re just hanging out as a smaller group, we can have fun doing just about anything. Most of my best friends earn less income than I do, and a few of them earn more. However, money is rarely a factor among my good friends. Most of us enjoy doing things that are low-key or truly exclusive; a lot of venues that are branded as “exclusive” aren’t actually so, as they tend to attract a lot of people that are wannabes or are just plain vapid and dull. Most people that are worth their weight in salt have interesting hobbies outside of work. Unless income levels of your friends are so severely disparate that they somehow affect your ability to do the stuff you want to do, I don’t get the sense that most people choose their friends based on how much they earn, though I’m sure there are plenty of superficial people out there that do it. I’m glad I don’t know too many of these folks, though.

IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > oh, dear. yes dear?

numi, you make some excellent points as usual, but let me ask you this… Aren’t your best friends typically the ones you’ve been friends with for a very long time? Probably since highschool? Since university days? I’m sure back then, you were all on an equal level when it came to personal wealth so their income level was not a factor when forming a friendship. I’m not saying that now since you’ve got it made (for a lack of better expression), you won’t accept anyone as a friend who is at lower income level. What I’m getting at, is that your current friends will remain friends, but what will influence the new friendships you form is most likely the social functions you attend. And given your busy work schedule considering the industry you work in, I don’t think you’d be spending your spare weekend chatting up with the locals at a near-by McDonalds or gas station.

Interesting questions, kblade. Actually, most of my close friends these days were my best friends from college, finance colleagues from my training class or other professional networks, and people that I met down here in Texas when I moved here a year ago. I once thought I’d be friends with my high school buddies forever, and there are a couple that I’m still really tight with – but generally, my life and career paths have diverged more from my high school friends as compared with my college friends, so I’m not as tight with most of my high school friends, comparatively speaking. It’s a tough situation but I think also one of the realities of life for many people, namely that people tend to spend more time around others with whom they have key commonalities, such as professional and personal goals, as you suggested. You’re exactly right when you say that the “new friendships you form are most likely from the social functions you attend.” For me, however, most of my favorite social outlets involve people from many different professions, or at least people aside from my own. Unless carefully organized and geared towards social purposes specifically, I find finance gatherings to be a little bit claustrophobic and somewhat rivalrous. However, I still attend these functions because they are important to my professional development, and I have a responsibility to myself and my firm to find interesting people to transact with. Socially, however, my closest friends here hail from all different backgrounds – the group of folks that I hang out with regularly in Texas include a couple lawyers, a couple medical residents, two hedge fund guys, an electrical engineer, two graduate students, and a couple girls that work in retail strategy or corporate development. We know enough about each others’ jobs to understand broadly what happens at a high level, but are also sufficiently ignorant so that we can actually enjoy social time together and not talk shop. I love having diversity in my social circles outside of work, and I guess it comes with the territory of having a variety of extracurricular interests. We also have different income ranges (as an example, the graduate students are probably only getting a stipend), but money is never really a topic of discussion among my friends at least from what I can tell. What about yourself? Do you still have a lot of high school friends that you’re quite tight with? How did you meet your closest friends?

KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Listen to your heart. Find your inner peace. > Embrace love. Smell the roses. Smell tulips.

Most CFA girls are not hot but there is this one girl my in BSAS class… ABSOLUTELY smokin hot, 9/10. Dirty blond hair, 5’3 ish, looks pretty much like a model. To be honest I already reviewed all the material but I go to class just to check her out n free coffee/soft drinks/water.

BiPolarBoyBoston Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most CFA girls are not hot but there is this one > girl my in BSAS class… ABSOLUTELY smokin hot, > 9/10. > > Dirty blond hair, 5’3 ish, looks pretty much like > a model. > > To be honest I already reviewed all the material > but I go to class just to check her out n free > coffee/soft drinks/water. models are usually taller than 5’3 as for 9/10 … pics or it didn’t happen

kblade Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BiPolarBoyBoston Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Most CFA girls are not hot but there is this > one > > girl my in BSAS class… ABSOLUTELY smokin hot, > > 9/10. > > > > Dirty blond hair, 5’3 ish, looks pretty much > like > > a model. > > > > To be honest I already reviewed all the > material > > but I go to class just to check her out n free > > coffee/soft drinks/water. > > models are usually taller than 5’3 > as for 9/10 … pics or it didn’t happen Hhaha no pics that’s stalkerish, think she has a bf, o well. 5’3 for a girl is about average def not model height but I’m short myself. All the girls I’ve dated in the past has been around 5’3

Numi, I love reading your posts, always very descriptive and thought provoking. I agree that the social outlets can be related to either professoin or personal interests, and it is good to participate in both. Having diverse group of friends is what helps you keep yourself sane, I can’t imagine what it would be like if all my friends had a finance background. It’s interesting that you say that money was never a topic of conversation. Your friends seem to be in very respectable fields: medicine, law, hedge funds. Come to think of it, I don’t recall money being the topic of conversation with my friends either. There might be an occasional inquiry as to what salary a guy/girl is getting paid at their new job though. Maybe the issue of wealth becomes less important the older you get. I’m a few years younger than you but I can see how my perspective changed about certain things, compared to how it was in my freshman year. Most of my best friends are from highschool. What helped keeping those friendships going is our similar interests - none of them are in Finance field. Friends from university are the opposite, majority are in Finance since that was my program of study but I wouldn’t call them my best friends. At times it is hard to keep in touch with everyone, especially when you’re spending those precious hours on studying for CFA exams. This actually reminds me of that LSO post about Chartered Financial Banalyst, so hilarious and so true. Let’s hope I nail level 3 this June on first attempt just like the other two.

BiPolarBoyBoston Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most CFA girls are not hot Most CFA boys aren’t hot! - but there aren’t too many in Ireland so small sample! :frowning: End up dating guys with math majors, solicitors, traders etc I couldn’t respect someone who I didn’t consider intelligent

KarenC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most CFA boys aren’t hot! > End up dating guys with math majors, solicitors, There’s something not quite right about these two statements.