CFA Chicks

KarenC Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BiPolarBoyBoston Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Most CFA girls are not hot > > > Most CFA boys aren’t hot! - but there aren’t too > many in Ireland so small sample! :frowning: > > End up dating guys with math majors, solicitors, > traders etc > > I couldn’t respect someone who I didn’t consider > intelligent KarenC, my post was not ment to insult you or any other CFA sisters on this forum. Yea your right. Most CFA guys are not hot. They all remind me of the people you’ll find in engineering departments at college. As for myself i am not hot. I’m just freakin smoking hot. JTLD told me you were pretty hot yourself :wink:

JohnThainsLimoDriver Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > KarenC Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Most CFA boys aren’t hot! > > End up dating guys with math majors, > solicitors, > > > There’s something not quite right about these two > statements. yeah KarenC, what are you thinking!? I have yet to find a reasonable looking math major.

IheartMath Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > yeah KarenC, what are you thinking!? I have yet to > find a reasonable looking math major. That’s ok, you got all the actuary major you need right here.

kblade Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Numi, I love reading your posts, always very > descriptive and thought provoking. Thank you - I appreciate the kind feedback. > I agree that the social outlets can be related to > either professoin or personal interests, and it is > good to participate in both. Having diverse group > of friends is what helps you keep yourself sane, I > can’t imagine what it would be like if all my > friends had a finance background. I agree, kblade. Sounds like you and I have the same mentality about things. I’ve never considered myself a blue-blooded finance guy, and I’ve never really surrounded myself with all finance peers. Life’s so much better when you have variety. > It’s interesting that you say that money was never > a topic of conversation. Your friends seem to be > in very respectable fields: medicine, law, hedge > funds. Come to think of it, I don’t recall money > being the topic of conversation with my friends > either. There might be an occasional inquiry as to > what salary a guy/girl is getting paid at their > new job though. That’s a good point – I suppose my friends and I are close enough in terms of income where nobody feels left out, and none of us really partake in activities that are so lavish that they would preclude anyone else in the group from participating. But, you’re right, I guess they’re all very motivated in whatever profession they’re in, which is one of the core values that seems to hold people in my group together. > Maybe the issue of wealth becomes less important > the older you get. I’m a few years younger than > you but I can see how my perspective changed about > certain things, compared to how it was in my > freshman year. Interesting question. I’d be curious to hear what you and others on this forum think. For me, I think it’s important to surround yourself with peers that have similar levels of academic or professional achievement (regardless of what field they’re in). However, as long as my friends have the financial resources to partake in the activities that I enjoy and vice versa, it really doesn’t matter to me how much more or less I’m earning compared to them. In terms of friendships, I value qualities such as generosity, insight, good-heartedness, and just the desire to have fun and live life. Curiously, most of the people I know that are genuinely wealthy are quite laid-back and down-to-earth – if you didn’t know them, you’d probably pass them on the street and think they were just an Average Joe (and actually, among my friends that are most successful, most of them really *do* believe they are just normal people and would like to be treated that way). In contrast, I feel like it’s the people that are faking their wealth or are somehow insecure about themselves who are most inclined to try to prove to the world how rich they are. Usually, the harder they try, the more likely they are to be phony. What do you guys think? Do you guys feel like it’s easy to separate the “real money” from the “pretenders” and “posers”? How do you tell? > Most of my best friends are from highschool. What > helped keeping those friendships going is our > similar interests - none of them are in Finance > field. Friends from university are the opposite, > majority are in Finance since that was my program > of study but I wouldn’t call them my best friends. > > > At times it is hard to keep in touch with > everyone, especially when you’re spending those > precious hours on studying for CFA exams. This > actually reminds me of that LSO post about > Chartered Financial Banalyst, so hilarious and so > true. Let’s hope I nail level 3 this June on first > attempt just like the other two. Good luck with the CFA exams. Sounds like you’ve also got a good group of friends from high school and it’s great that you’re still able to keep in touch with them.

Now that I think about it some more, level 3 material comes to mind. The way CFA defines wealth - your net worth, assets less liabilities. People who flaunt their ferraries and similar big ticket items aren’t necesarrily wealthy. They could be financing that thing with 5% money down and barely paying off the interest on the loan with their pay checks. But without knowing the person’s financial situation, you can’t really tell if they are wealthy or just posers living off their pay checks week by week hoping shit doesn’t hit the fan. Funny how we just went completely off topic. So to get back on topic, good looking CFA chicks do exist, I know a few that graduated with me. Pics aren’t happening though, don’t try to use my line on me :slight_smile:

^ Pics or it didn’t happen. In all seriousness, there are always a few cuttie proctors.

former trader Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In all seriousness, there are always a few cuttie > proctors. In NYC? No, there’re not.

former trader Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^ Pics or it didn’t happen. > > In all seriousness, there are always a few cuttie > proctors. Seattle was nothing but beasties.

No nice proctors in London either :frowning: Iheartmath - there are some pretty cute economists/mathematicians/solicitors in Dublin :wink: Bipolarboy - thanks for being so modest and JTLD told you I was hot?! dang thought that was just between us JTLD… tut tut tut!

It’s just between me, you, IHeartMath, and sherbeer.

whatever! CFA chicks rock! We are smart, hot, and sexy))) at least I can tell for myself and a couple of my girlfriends taking CFA

kseniaru Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > whatever! CFA chicks rock! We are smart, hot, and > sexy))) at least I can tell for myself and a > couple of my girlfriends taking CFA To back up such a claim as “we are hot and sexy”, I think pics are in order of you and your girlfriends. Thank you in advance.

kseniaru Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We are smart, hot, and > sexy))) Please be more specific.

kseniaru Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > We are smart, hot, and > sexy))) But are you Asian?

5’3 is not average. It’s short. And “dirty blonde” isn’t exactly a plus. It’s either mousy or it’s a grown-out dye-job.

^^ LOL yeah 5’3 is definately not average…

Nope, I am not Asian…))) i am Russian!

kseniaru Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nope, I am not Asian…))) i am Russian! Privet Tezka! :wink:

kseniaru Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nope, I am not Asian…))) i am Russian! Disqualified. There is a cap on the 1-10 hotness scale at 7.0 thru which only Asians can pass, but I’m sure you are a solid 7 CFA chick. Sigh…where are the hot Asian quants?

hey woah woah people i’m only 5’4 :frowning: