First post on this site and I can report a gut-wrenching failure. Studied my arse off with a prep company and realized too late in the game that I might not have been making the best of my time with them. When Alan Greenspan is mentioned as the present Fed Chairman and housing is referred to as a “liquid investment in this market” I realized I was in trouble. Of course, that didn’t come until the AI videos which was the last set of videos. Crammed as much of the CFAI’s material after then but it was too little too late. Plus having MBA finals in non-CFA topics a month before Level 1 didn’t help either. I’m excited for the December test since I’m taking some Finance and Statistics MBA courses now which have already given me some good knowledge on the material for Level 1 which I didn’t do so well with. Congrats to those who passed! I suspect you’re all already on the Level 2 boards and beginning to fret over the new mountain to climb.
I also was pretty down yesterday after receiving my result. I failed with a band 8 but we have got to keep moving ahead and be better prepared in December.
Go Gators pdub! Well butterfly, failing once is enough of an inspiration for me, and I’m sure you as well, to get out there and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Here’s to owning December!
Passed … Really surprised since I spent less than 3 weeks to study due to work commitments. However, an undergrad in finance really helped me since all the material in level 1 was basically a review of my finance courses.
Honestly, can’t believe I passed. Was doing alright on practice exams, but definitely not blowing them out of the water. Does my matrix appear to be strong in the clear or borderline?
Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - - * - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 * - - - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - * - - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - * - - Fixed Income Investments 28 * - - - Portfolio Management 12 - * - - Quantitative Methods 28 * - - Band Score 9. At least I will have a significant advantage with my hours of study over others for the December exam. I’m thinking of watching all the schweser videos and doing the qbank as well as end of chapter questions in the CFA book for the December exam. Any opinions?