For all those living with H1B -- Green Card is a b!tch

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I agree that immigration makes the US better. In > fact, I was not born in America. However, this > does not mean that the US is not doing us a favor > by letting us live here. I am thankful for this > every day. > > Furthermore, if the immigration process was easy, > it would eliminate the purpose that you mentioned > - to only get the most qualified people from other > countries. I have seen tons of Chinese US citizens in every China Town – you get the image. Yeah, they are the most qualified people from China. What a joke!

gth763s Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > I have seen tons of Chinese US citizens in every > China Town – you get the image. Yeah, they are > the most qualified people from China. What a > joke! you are a joke, bafoon :slight_smile:

gth763s Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Idiot. If you realize how many children of these people go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford, your perception will change completely.

If you have a plan or passion towards something … I think you should go for it instead of 10 yr GC wait… Some hard lessons that I learned… LaGrandeFinale Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BullPow Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > LaGrandeFinale Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > ----- > > > BullPow you EB2? Current priority date is 01 > > FEB > > > 05. > > > > > > I have yet to start the process :’-| > > That’s the thing. It’s a hugee trade-off to keep > waiting for the GC and being ‘stuck’ with a firm, > at their mercy and USCIS while(age = age+1). So by > the time you get the card you are around 40 > (assuming it takes 10 years for EB2 to be rational > & realistic) and have already crossed the peak age > of doing anything, it at all.

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > gth763s Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > Idiot. If you realize how many children of these > people go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton and > Stanford, your perception will change completely. +111111 also, if it weren’t for reverse discrimination, ivies would be >50% asian

by asian, i also mean south asian, like indians and pakistanis

^what a joke

^ yeah, reverse discrimination is a hilarious joke.

^ “What a joke” not referring to “also, if it weren’t for reverse discrimination, ivies would be >50% asian” it is to: “by asian, i also mean south asian, like indians and pakistanis” ==> not a chance

well, i would say that the indians or pakistanis that make it to the US are pretty intelligent and have a strong work ethic. if you take any population as a whole, they are more or less equal, so i’m not saying that any racial group is superior. however, a self-selected small sample of some group’s population might be better than the general population of another group.

I personally have no problem with a bunch of immigrants coming into our country that have a strong interest in working and / or getting a great education. I think they get a nice place to live and we get a boost to our economy. There are just two things I would like to see changed: 1.) We have a net inflow of working population. I’ve tried to get working permits in other countries before (Asia, Europe, Central America) because I thought it would be a fun place to live and work. However it’s actually very difficult because those areas are protecting the few quality domestic jobs they have. We should have a policy that if we provide X work visas / green cards to citizens of a foreign country, they by default must provide a matching amount to any US citizens interested in going to their country to work. You know, just some balanced reciprocity. 2.) If as a foreigner you receive your education from a top US school we should find a way to strongly encourage them to stay and work here for several years, even contractually. Our education system is a tremendous national asset (one of the few we have left) and we should try to slow the process of exporting it. Like Dell we will find out that our competitive advantage here won’t last forever.

Black Swan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 1.) > I’ve tried to get working permits in other > countries before (Asia, Europe, Central America) > because I thought it would be a fun place to live > and work. However it’s actually very difficult > because those areas are protecting the few quality > domestic jobs they have. We should have a policy > that if we provide X work visas / green cards to > citizens of a foreign country, they by default > must provide a matching amount to any US citizens > interested in going to their country to work. You > know, just some balanced reciprocity. But remember that the whole point is to keep the best people in the U.S.; that’s why the U.S. Government would not be interested in supporting such reciprocal policy.

Tell me about it, I’ve been trying to get outta the US for years, they have me trapped!

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Why should the US owe you any visa at all if > you > > are a foreign national? > > It doesn’t at all, agreed, however, don’t you > think America is much stronger if we have more > intelligent and educated professionals from other > countries? > > I mean, don’t you think guys like mo34, Mobius > Striptease, adavydov7, who weren’t born and raised > here make this country a better, stronger, and > more vibrant place? > > I’d rather have 1000000 of them than 1000000 red > necks from the southern USA any day thumping their > bibles and being stupid. You knock rednecks from the south and you’re the bigot. I’m a northerner but most of the southerners I know have degrees from places like Emory, Rice, Duke & Vanderbilt. Are there some morons? Yeah. But they are no dumber than the morons who populate the Jersey Shore or the Meadowlands on Sunday. Note - I agree America is better off bringing in educated people. I just find the second part of your statement atrocious. If someone made a stereotyped comment about minorities they would get banned.

educated rednecks? WELL READ NECKS!!! HAHAHAHAH! > Are there some > morons? Yeah. But they are no dumber than the > morons who populate the Jersey Shore or the > Meadowlands on Sunday. notice that 1,000,000 doesn’t cover all southerners, i think there are more rednecks than simply 1 million, lol. fine, in that case, i think people like mo34, Mobius Striptease, adavydov7 are much better to have than stupid people in the northern cities as well. i’d rather have 10,000,000 (notice the order of magnitude difference between this statement and the red necks) educated foreigners than 10,000,000 stupid people of all colors and geographic locations in the USA. how is that? feel better? you take yourself, me, and AF way too seriously man.

also, stereotyped comments are a fact of life. what are we? super liberal and super pc high school students that have never heard of them before? let’s not forget about reverse discrimination against asian americans. if there weren’t quotas in place, your ivies would be >50% asian. that is more horrible bigotry and discrimination than a joke on the internet. i bet you reported my comments to the moderator. if i get banned, that’s cause one idiot named joemontana can’t handle the truth - the way another person sees things.

Posted by: sublimity (IP Logged) [hide posts from this user] Date: March 5, 2010 09:34PM ^ Last edit at Friday, March 5, 2010 at 09:45PM by sublimity I wouldn’t report you - its very, very sad that you have nothing to do on a Friday night at 10pm than post on an internet forum. I’d hate to take that away from you, you f****** loser. I feel sorry for you. How can you knock reverse discrimination? Your previous comments indicate that you are fully comfortable with casual reverse discrimination. Systematic reverse discrimination is just a (somewhat) natural extension of your line of thought. And yes - I posted Friday at 6pm (my time zone) FROM WORK as I waited for the last Factset model to refresh.

OMG! : )

Hello Mister Walrus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > gth763s Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > Idiot. If you realize how many children of these > people go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton and > Stanford, your perception will change completely. How many then? Show me the statistics. Calling me “Idiot” does not make your argument stronger. Obviously you are not the most qualified from your country in defending your point.

Mobius Striptease Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > gth763s Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > > I have seen tons of Chinese US citizens in > every > > China Town – you get the image. Yeah, they > are > > the most qualified people from China. What a > > joke! > > you are a joke, bafoon :slight_smile: You too sir. See my post above.