Hypothetical leadership question

Suppose you’re either interviewing for a job where you would assume much more leadership responsibility over a larger team or you’re applying to business school and they ask you what makes a good leader, what would your answer be? I have my own ideas but have never been asked the question in practice so don’t know how people respond to this.

Taking initiative and ability to provide leadership without being asked? You could give as an example your coin flip “lottery” - where you led a team of about 128 to choose a winner(“Gold medalist”). The AliMan could serve as a reference in that case. And also emphasize that you succeed in non-challenging trivial creativity, at your employers expense. My 2.

wow JOE2010, you have been on a rampage recently

Suppose you have to steal bread to feed your family and the bread is poisoned, what do you do then?

If you have $1 left to your name… do you buy a piece of pizza so you can sustain yourself to keep looking for work or do you buy an “instant win” lottery ticket?

Leaders think strategic and are effective in communicating broad goals and put people in the right position to succeed. A lot of it is building political capital with the parties they deal with; direct reports, management, external parties, etc. They communicate through action not talk and seek to bring eveyone up with them. Other qualities; independent & objective thinkers, fair, honest, ethical, good listeners, consensus builders.

Well, can you answer the question: “Why would anyone want to be lead by YOU?” -Professor, London Business School If so, your in good shape

sublimity Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wow JOE2010, you have been on a rampage recently Not really, this board does not seem to have intellectually stimulating topics anymore. needhelp seems to be the smartest person around.

I’d for sure put in the good word

A good leader is one who motivates others to create change (in the right direction).

I good leader generally has good hair, and is tall

A good leader: http://richardhughesiv.com/Blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ronald-reagan-socialized-medicine-lp2.jpg

artvandalay Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I good leader generally has good hair, and is tall +1

artvandalay Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I good leader generally has good hair, and is tall Well I guess it all started the first time I went through the second grade. I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking “wow, you’re ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career.”

someone willing to be responsible and take responsibility for whatever it may be.

Thank goodness for being almost 6’5" and no signs of balding :wink:

What happened to your sig?

I felt it was a bit much to show up after every post (and you know how often I post).

it seem AliMan is not proud enough of his win. i say strip him of the coveted prize and bestow it upon C. Windjammer!

Oh needhelp, I am thankful and have been telling everyone at work. I wonder why they stopped inviting me out for lunch…