Whatcha think, sweep? Cowboys and Chiefs in SB 49?
T. Brady hasn’t won a SB since he has been with Gisele.
I’m a believer that it’s hard to maintain your focus if you’re banging models. If Warren Buffet spent his 20s and 30s hanging out with models, he wouldn’t have the wealth he has today. Too many distractions.
damn u got rowdy
That was an immensely satisfying game. Now let’s see how the Royals do in their first playoff game in 29 years.
Re-quoting myself from the 8th.
Annnnnnnd I have no idea how to embed pics.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1450708_10204919439765430_3465059300129425598_n.jpg?oh=3a449f442f76cbefd6b176963f54280a&oe=54C7D67E& gda =1421426759_01f2a29e08dc664d42462468276491e2)
^ How long before Ponder’s HCB wife ditches him and finds a true BSD?
He may be the worst starting quarterback in the NFL, but he’s still…a starting quarterback…in the NFL. It’s hard to get much more BSD than that.
^ He won’t survive 2 more years in the NFL and by then she will make more $$$ than he does.
So…the Chargers get the Jaguars, the Jets, and the Raiders in three successive weeks.
This is not fair to the other 31 teams in the NFL. That’s like having a month off.
How are the Toronto Bills leading the AFC East? Wow.
seahawks or redskins? I put $250 on the seahawks.
dont mess with the MS
The Bengals are the best 1 PM Sunday afternoon team. When prime time hits, they are no where to be found.
Doesn’t matter, the Broncos are taking the division.
I am surprised on how well Gates has been playing though.
![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10698706_10202709068155797_8008960928058371301_n.jpg?oh=179d13eabe34f43accc314f9dd44b404&oe=54AE5284& gda =1421561392_698d8280ba662b47e1378f053cee25f1)
So commands the guy on left who’s received over $100million to the professional on the right who makes max $25-70k/yr. Guy on left “can’t afford” to pay the refs more.
^ Yeah, but he makes that working less than 40 days per year.
“Prosecutors say it began because one victim nudged Amador Rebollero on the shoulder to point out an available urinal.”
^ That’s fair game in SF.