The Movie Thread

I was in the same boat, had never seen it and watched it for the first time recentlly - it’s very good, definitely worth the time.

I thought you told us you once saw a movie where only the police had guns, and it was called Schindlers List.

I grew up in Montgomery county so not too far from you it would appear Higgy!

Yes, I seem to recall you mentioning at some point that you are in Philly. I live in Lower Bucks and work in NJ. I go into Center City once a month or so.

From originally, live in NYC now. Always liked bucks, played a lot of baseball in that area and always enjoyed it. Super convenient location when traffic isnt brutal

Watched “The Peanuts Movie” in the theaters on Sunday, with the 2 year-old and 4 year-old in tow. It was a cute movie. I recommend it for the little ones, or for those who have fond memories of watching Charlie Brown.

We’ve not seen The Peanuts Movie yet, but both my kids (3 and 5) love the DVD’s of the original TV movies. “Snoopy, Come Home” is their favorite.

The Man from UNCLE was really good fun. Light hearted action with a 60’s styling. Hope there’s a sequel

My city was the focus of “Cool Runnings.”

IMO, one of the greatest of all time.

^ Isn’t it kinda depressing and sad?

I saw Black Mass. IMO, the trailer is way better than the real movie.

I was not going to see Creed, thinking it is just a Rocky cash grab movie, but to my surprise it is getting really good reviews. I’ll probably go see it.

I saw the Room recently, interesting. It’s another movie that got really good reviews.

If you are going to see the Room, I recommend to not watch the trailer before, because I saw the trailer after seeing the movie and it gives away a lot, if not all, of the movie. I am so happy I saw the movie without seeing the trailer before.


Yes, it is, though there is a positive human element to it too. But importantly, its a beautiful piece of art. Not all art makes you feel good, but it should make you think, contemplate and consider.

This one has been on my list for a long time.

Finally watched “Schindler’s List” a couple of weeks ago. It was really good, really long, and really hard to watch. Definitely a great movie to watch once.

Also watched “The Lego Movie” this past weekend. Awesome movie. If you haven’t seen it, you need to watch it. Especially Sweep. He’ll get a kick out of it.

Started watching “Brokeback Mountain” a couple of days ago. I started it kinda late, so I knew I wasn’t going to finish it. Now I don’t know if I will, simply because it’s really slow and kinda drags (no pun intended). Plus, it was a little more graphic than I thought, and I’d really rather not see that.

I couldn’t have been happier that both my kids loved (and still love) this movie. I’ve probably watched it 37 times. Very good flick.

I went to see Deadpool yesterday. Best superhero movie in a long time. Definitely would recommend. Definitely don’t bring the kids.

I fell asleep during the Lego movie. Sucks for me, because I was big into Legos as a kid. I was impressed with the animation though.

Brokeback Mountain…that was difficult to watch. I did enjoy Bruno, however.

Took the kids to watch “Zootopia” yesterday. It was pretty good.

But it was more suited to 8 and 10 year-olds, not 2 and 4 year olds. They made some jokes about farts, butts, “shut up”, and “being a loser” that I’d rather my little ones not see. But if your kids are a little older, I’d recommend.

(Not as good as Frozen or Lego, though.)