Yes, I seem to recall you mentioning at some point that you are in Philly. I live in Lower Bucks and work in NJ. I go into Center City once a month or so.
From originally, live in NYC now. Always liked bucks, played a lot of baseball in that area and always enjoyed it. Super convenient location when traffic isnt brutal
Watched “The Peanuts Movie” in the theaters on Sunday, with the 2 year-old and 4 year-old in tow. It was a cute movie. I recommend it for the little ones, or for those who have fond memories of watching Charlie Brown.
I was not going to see Creed, thinking it is just a Rocky cash grab movie, but to my surprise it is getting really good reviews. I’ll probably go see it.
I saw the Room recently, interesting. It’s another movie that got really good reviews.
If you are going to see the Room, I recommend to not watch the trailer before, because I saw the trailer after seeing the movie and it gives away a lot, if not all, of the movie. I am so happy I saw the movie without seeing the trailer before.
Yes, it is, though there is a positive human element to it too. But importantly, its a beautiful piece of art. Not all art makes you feel good, but it should make you think, contemplate and consider.
Finally watched “Schindler’s List” a couple of weeks ago. It was really good, really long, and really hard to watch. Definitely a great movie to watch once.
Also watched “The Lego Movie” this past weekend. Awesome movie. If you haven’t seen it, you need to watch it. Especially Sweep. He’ll get a kick out of it.
Started watching “Brokeback Mountain” a couple of days ago. I started it kinda late, so I knew I wasn’t going to finish it. Now I don’t know if I will, simply because it’s really slow and kinda drags (no pun intended). Plus, it was a little more graphic than I thought, and I’d really rather not see that.
Took the kids to watch “Zootopia” yesterday. It was pretty good.
But it was more suited to 8 and 10 year-olds, not 2 and 4 year olds. They made some jokes about farts, butts, “shut up”, and “being a loser” that I’d rather my little ones not see. But if your kids are a little older, I’d recommend.